Thursday, September 2, 2010

kay, just forget about my last post. that was mean, and i would never forget that, but i have to forgive him. fyi, he didnt say "sorry". he'll never say that word unless it's idul fitri, ha. so after all, i forgive him. done.

im fasting.

and now, im sitting and typing, with tissues all around me. yessssss, flu. i cant stop sneezing, and literally look like anak ingusan. so i skipped school today :(

anyway, they just need to be written. so if you feel offended, sorry maybe that's you, or not.

stop being so noisy, its annoying. AND PLEASE, try to understand someone's feelings. Please stop with those 'i-dont-fucking-care' thingy. and, when im tired/sick, all i wanna do is get some rest, so dont force me to do something. you're not my boss anyway. just do it yourself.

ok. so, bye.

Friday, July 23, 2010

nice one, dad.
whats next? youre going to tell me that im such an idiot? a pain in the ass? worst daughter ever?

you once told me that i have no brain, dad.
i was 13.
do you know that i cried the whole night that day? no. cause you just dont care.
and i will remember that for the rest of my life.

last night, he left me for dinner because he told me that i have a bad attitude and he said he lost his appetite by seeing my face. ha. best dad i ever met. best dad i ever have.

and once again, i cried for a long time last night.
again, he didnt care.

dad? is he even qualified as a DAD?
dad shouldnt be like that, right? .......or no?

its funny to call this place as a home. it seems like a hell hole to me.
everyone in this house are fake.
i dont want to live here.

maybe you'll think that im such a childish brat or whatever.
but seriously, i never liked that. that's just........ mean.

Friday, July 9, 2010

this is goodbye then.
see u soon.
i hope you'll get what you want, or they want.
i still hoping that you'll come back.

!uoy ssim i
xi ipa 3, cant wait to meet u, all of u.

and xd? i miss you, a lot.
thanks for everything!
forever is a lie.

no, not forever-is-until-he/she-find-someone-new.
thats just simply...weird. pathetic.

i dont believe in forever.
i mean,
everything, everyone, they are going to change.
none of them are going to stay the same.
especially, feelings.

i can say, im gonna hate you forever.
well maybe less than 24 hours, i dont hate 'you' anymore.

see? everything's changing. ha.

Monday, July 5, 2010

hello mellow. happy holiday people.

i went to australia last week. it was... nice. and i got science class, im happy but.. ya, just simply happy. i already bought Wanted, the last book of PLL series, which is, the best thing about this holiday, even though the ending was kinda creepy.

and anyway, i havent watched Eclipse. i feel weird, cause new moon was so bloody romantic and I HATE IT. and i guess Eclipse is so....bloody romantic just like new moon. well at least i can see more and more volturi(s). haha.

so hows your holiday people?

i feel empty.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

a picture of a happy family. yes. a picture. not real.

maybe it is real, somewhere else. not here.

but im getting used to it.
welcome to the.... family?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hawhawhaw, hellaaaaaaaaw.

I'm back.
Lapinsi and TPO? done. YEAH.

I got a temporary pedobear tattoo. HA.
(I'm not a pedophile, f-y-i. Too young anyway. But, pedobear is hella funny hahaha)

AND FINALLY, blame... no, i cant blame anyone. shit. ok, blame that FFFUUU thing, i made a tumblr account. again. for the third time --> i havent posted anything. You know, lame internet connection, busy, too sleepy to reblog (wtf?) yah you know it better.

  • I bought "Killer". Yes, that book. FI-NA-LLY.
  • I bought Van Alen Legacy too. Hard cover. YEAH \m/
  • All Time Low is coming to Jakarta! :D
And, i need extra $$$ badly.
(Using bahasa from now on, males mikir)
Karena setelah diitung, tahun ini sangatlah menghabiskan uang, mengempeskan dompet, mengeringkan atm dan lain sebagainya.

Setelah kemaren ke Musiklub, dan menemukan album - album bagus, jadi pengen beli.

Terus, minggu kemarin baru aja ke kinokuniya. Baru masuk udah nemuin 1 novel yang mau dibeli. Terus masuk ke dalem, nambah 3 novel. Terus ada 2 series yang mau dibeli, kurang lebih totalnya udah 12 buku. Jadi total semuanya: 1+3+12= 15 novel. ok, tambah di periplus 1. 16 novel. Ha, seandainya ada uang 3 juta aja (aja??!) dateng dari langit. Sedih.

Terus keluar masuk toko baju dan sepatu. Yang jelas disini = banyak. banget.

ngeliat kondisi iPod yang bener-bener butut. Umur udah 2 tahun, baret sampe udah gak bisa ngaca. udah gak bisa di hold. memori tinggal beberapa ratus mb lagi. I desperately need a new iPod. Gak tau deh cara nabungnya gimana TT_TT

Tiket all time low. Yuk. Dah. Bye.

Oh. Oh. dan mulai dari kemaren, gue meracuni Fia dan Maitri dengan Pretty Little Liars. Fia bahkan udah ketagihan HEHEHE. Maitri lagi dalam perjalanan. Woohoo :D

dan sepertinya XD besok mau jalan? harus jadi ya! :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Seriously, this is fuuuuuuuun.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I miss you even more.
but i dont know who i miss.
or i dont want to admit


i miss you.



finally, i made a weheartit account. well, i like it anyway.
so, meet me there!

heart ya :*

Thursday, March 25, 2010

sheez. i want this one. pretty please?


Yeah, i'am starting all over again. No, not relationship for God's sake.

So, you know, a long time ago, i decided to dump this one (ouch! sorry bloggie) and moved to another one. But, today, this morning, i thought that my-other-blog is such a... mess. A total mess, i can say, full of bullshit(s) which is not a good thing, so i deleted it.

And now, i'am using this one as my blog. Real blog, hopefully.

Cut the crap then.
My name is Anggia Paramita, i'm 15 years old (yes, finally). Owner of this blog. Nice to meet you (again), pals :)